Edit Organization Contact

Contacts of the organization sponsoring an event are unique to the event and organization.  Use the following procedure to edit an organization contact of an attendee group:

1.  Select Events from the Conferences menu. The Events page is displayed. Click Select next to the event for which you want to add an organization.

2.  Under the Attendee Groups tab, click Select next to the desired attendee group. The View Attendee Group page is displayed.

3.  Select the Organization tab.

4.  Click Detail. The Organization Detail page is displayed.

Note: The Detail link is only available after an organization has been added to the attendee group. No organization contacts can be added until an organization is added.

5.  In the List of Organization Contacts grid, click Edit next to the desired contact.

6.  Enter information in the fields provided.

     *Priority: Select a priority from the drop-down list.

     *Active: Specify whether the contact record is active by selecting Yes or No from the drop-down list.

     *Name: Enter the name of the organization contact.

     Email: Enter the contact's email address.

     Phone: Enter the contact's phone number.

     Title: Enter the contact's title.

7.  Click Save. The Contact successfully updated message is displayed.