Edit Multiple Permissions for a Role

Use the following procedure to edit multiple permissions for a role from the List of Roles grid on the Roles page:

1.  Select Roles from the Security section of the Setup menu. The List of Roles grid is displayed.

2.  Click Select next to the desired role.

3.  From the Permissions tab, click the Edit All button (above the grid) to modify multiple permissions for the role. To edit multiple permissions, the following options are available:

     To select or deselect all checkboxes for all permissions, click the Select All checkbox above the grid.

A check mark in the Select All checkbox will check all available permission actions (i.e. users with this role will have complete access to every function in ResCenter). If no check mark is in the Select All checkbox, all available permission actions will be unchecked, so users with this role will have no access in ResCenter

     To select or deselect all checkboxes for a specific type of action for all permissions, click any of the following checkboxes:

View - Select All

Update - Select All

Delete - Select All

Add - Select All

Allow Access - Select All

For example: To prevent a user role from using the Delete function on any page, the Delete - Select All checkbox should be unchecked, thus unchecking the Delete action for every permission.

4.  Make any additional changes by selecting or clearing the View, Update, Delete, Add, and Allow Access check boxes for a permission, as appropriate. To check or uncheck all boxes for a particular permission, click the first box in the row.

5.  Click Update. The changes are saved.

6.  From the Users tab, select a user from the Users not in role or Users in role fields and then click Add > or < Remove as appropriate.