Edit a Report

Use the following procedure to edit a report from the Report Setup page:

1.  Select Report Setup from the Reports menu. The Report Setup page is displayed.

2.  Search for the report you want to modify.

3.  From the List of Reports grid, click Select next to the appropriate report. The Report Settings page is displayed.

4.  Click Update Report File to update the report file, if necessary.

5.  Make the appropriate changes in the fields provided.

     *Title: Modify the title of the report.

     Description: Modify the description of the report.

     Purpose: Modify the purpose of the report.

     Display order: Select the number order that the report will display from the drop-down list.

6.  If the report was created with parameters, the Parameters grid is displayed. Modify information in the fields provided.

     Description: Modify the parameter descriptions, as necessary. The parameter descriptions display when you run the report.

     Parameter Type: Specify the parameter type for each parameter. For Dynamic, users will be provided with a list of possible values. To generate the list of possible values, click SQL and enter the SQL in the pop-up window that displays. For Static, users will enter values on their own (for example, a date range).

     Display order: Select the number order that the parameters will display from the drop-down list.

     Cascade Parameter: Specify whether the value of one parameter affects another by selecting the appropriate parameter from the drop-down list.

     Default Value: If you want to display a default value for a parameter when you run the report, enter the default value in this field.

7.  Click Submit. The report is updated.