Edit a Predefined Note (Patron)

Use the following procedure to edit a predefined note:

1.  Select Predefined Notes from the Patron section of the Setup menu. The Predefined Notes page is displayed.

2.  If necessary, use the Note Type drop-down menu to select a specific note type.

3.  Click Edit next to the predefined that you want to modify. The row becomes editable.

4.  Enter information in the fields provided.

     *Note Type: Select a default note type from the drop-down list. The note type is the default category for the note.

     *Note Name: Enter a name for the note.

5.  Enter text for the note in the Note field.

6.  To make the note default as an alert, select the Alert? checkbox

7.  Click Save. The Predefined note successfully added message is displayed.

8.  Click Update. The Predefined note successfully updated message is displayed.