Edit an Image

When using the Edit feature in the List of Images grid, users can only edit the image’s information and active status. To delete the image, see the Delete an Image section. Use the following procedure to edit an image from the Location Image Setup page accessed via Location Image Setup in the Web section of the Setup menu:

1.  Select Location Image Setup from the Web section of the Setup menu.

2.  Search for the image you want to edit.

3.  Click Edit next to the image name in the List of Images grid.

4.  Edit the following information, as necessary.

     *Image type: Select an image type from the drop-down list.

     *Image name: Enter a name for the image.

     Description: Enter a description for the image.

     *Active: Select Yes to make the image available to link to a facility, or select No to make the image unavailable for linking to a facility.

5.  Click Update. The Location Image successfully updated message is displayed.