Edit an Event Billable Item

The Edit feature allows users to select a different Standard Rate or customize the Standard Rate by entering a different Rate Type and/or Rate Amount. Users can also enter a completely new custom rate that is not linked to any standard rate.

Use the following procedure to edit a Billable Item:

1.  Select Events from the Conferences menu. The Events page is displayed. Click Select next to the event that has the Billable Item you want to edit.

2.  Select the Billable Items tab.

3.  In the List of Billable Items grid, click the Edit button next to the billable item to edit, and complete the following fields:

Note: Some billable items may have been added at the Attendee Group level. To learn more about adding billable items via Attendee Group, see Add an Attendee Group Contract Item.

     Billable Item: This field is read-only and cannot be edited.

     Asset Group: This field is read-only and cannot be edited.

     Location Type: This field is read-only and cannot be edited.

     Rate Name: Use the drop-down menu to choose a Rate Name, which includes only those standard rates with valid dates overlapping the event start date.

     Rate Type: Use the drop-down menu to select either Fixed, Nightly, or Weekly. This field is required if a Rate Name is selected.

     Rate Amount: The Rate Amount is auto-filled depending on the Rate Name selected. This can be overwritten by entering a new rate amount in the text box. The Rate Amount can also be zero.

     Custom Rate: Indicates whether the rate is a custom rate. This field is auto-populated once the Rate Name is selected and the Billable Item is saved by clicking Update.

     Note: Enter or edit a note pertaining to the Billable Item in the text box.

     In Use: Indicates whether the billable item is in use. This field is auto-populated if the billable item is included in at least one event contract.

4.  Click Update.