Edit an Attribute

Use the following procedure to edit an Attribute from the Attribute Setup page:

1.  Select Attributes from the Setup > Global menu. The Attributes page is displayed.

2.  Search for an Attribute, if necessary.

3.  From the Attributes grid, click Edit next to an Attribute to edit.

4.  Edit information in the fields provided, as necessary:

     Name: Enter a unique name for the Attribute.

     Data Type: The Data Type cannot be edited after the Attribute is created.

     Usage: Select which areas of ResCenter will use the Attribute. Select from Patron and/or Facility. When both are checked, shared Patron and Facility Attributes can be used to compare values between patrons and facilities for housing assignments.

     Groups: Use the menu to select one or more Attribute Groups to categorize the Attribute.  Attribute Groups are configured via Setup > Global > Attribute Groups module.

     Show: Select the checkbox to define whether the Attribute will be available in the Patron and Facilities modules, Patron Advanced Find, and Facility Advanced Find.

5.  Continue to Configure Attribute Values, if necessary, or click Save to save the attribute and return to the Attributes grid.