Edit an Asset Type

Use the following procedure to edit an asset type:

1.  From the Inventory section of the Facilities menu, select Asset Types. The List of Asset Types grid is displayed.

2.  If necessary, search for an asset type.

3.  Click Edit next to an asset type.

4.  Edit the following fields, as necessary:

     Name: Enter a name for the asset type, such as “Microwave” or “Housekeeping”.

     Description: Enter a description of the asset type.

     Cost: Enter the cost of the asset type. This value indicates what the institution paid for the asset type.

     Replacement Cost: Enter the replacement cost of the asset type.

     Required Deposit: Enter a required deposit amount for the asset type, if a deposit is required. For assignment contract items, the Required Deposit value may be used to automate deposit payments.

     Asset Group: Select the asset type’s asset group. An asset type can only belong to one asset group.

     Facility Type: Select the Facility Type for the Asset Type. The Facility Type is only used when defining facility asset types in the Residence asset group. For more information about defining a facility, refer to the Facilities section.

     Vendor: If necessary, select a vendor associated with the asset type. Vendors a defined on the Vendors page of the Inventory module.

     Default Stockroom: Select the default stockroom for the asset type. The stockroom must be defined as a facility. For more information about defining a facility, refer to the Facilities section.

     Show?: Check the Show? checkbox to make the asset type available for use in other areas of ResCenter and Odyssey HMS.

     Can Appear on Patron Contract: Check the check box to make the asset type available to be assigned to a patron using a contract item. If the asset type or assets within the type are used only for room inventory, the Can Appear on Patron Contract check box should be unchecked.

     Only Track Usage by Asset Type: Check the Only Track Usage by Asset Type check box to track the number of items in bulk rather than individually. When this option is enabled, a counted is recorded to display the number of items available within the asset type. This option is useful if the items do not have serial numbers and the items’ conditions do not need to be tracked.

Note: Asset types with this option enabled cannot be used as room inventory.

     Linked Transaction Codes: Select a transaction code from the drop-down menu and click Add to add the code to the Linked Transaction Codes window. If necessary, remove a code by selecting the code and clicking Delete.

Transaction codes are used in charge and proration schedules. A transaction code must be linked to an asset type before it can be selected in either a charge schedule or proration schedule.

     SIS_Mapping: The SIS Mapping field is used to map a meal plan to a corresponding CS Gold Meal Plan.

     Cost Per Unit: Enter the cost of each unit for the asset.

For example: The Cost Per Unit value determines the cost per meal that can be used in meal proration.

     Number of Units: Enter the number of units included for the asset.

For example: The Number of Units field defines how many meals a particular meal plan offers.

     Quantity On Hand: If the Only Track Usage by Asset Type option is checked, enter the initial quantity of the assets.

5.  Click Save. The Asset type successfully updated message is displayed.