Edit an Address

Use the following procedure to edit an address from the Address tab:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Click the Addresses tab. The Occupancy Address history will be displayed, by default. Select an address type by using the Addresses tab’s drop-down menu.

4.  Edit the address information for the Address type.

5.  Enter a Phone number and (if necessary) extension in the Phone/Extension section.

6.  Enter a Fax number, if necessary.

7.  Enter an Email address, if necessary.

8.  Enter the Occupancy mailbox number, if necessary.

9.  If necessary, select the Publish checkbox to make the patron’s address information available to print in the Alpha Listing of Students with Address report in Odyssey HMS.

10. Click Save. The Patron address successfully updated message is displayed.

Note: If necessary, the address’s fields can be cleared by clicking Clear All. To save the change, click Save.