Edit a Lottery Batch

Use the following procedure to edit a Lottery Batch

1.  Select Lottery from the Web section of the Setup menu. The Room Selection Lottery page is displayed.

2.  Click Edit next to the lottery batch to edit.

3.  Edit information, as necessary, in the fields provided.

     Batch Name: Enter a name for the batch (for example, “Undergrad Lottery”).

     Application: From the drop-down menu, select an application to associate with the batch. Only applications with end dates occurring after the current date are available. Applications with end dates prior to the current date will not be displayed.

     Points Attribute: From the drop-down menu, select a points attribution method.

     College Attribute Value: (Optional) From the drop-down menu, select a college attribute value

     College Points: Enter the number of points to award a patron for each year that the patron’s College attribute value matches the selected College Attribute Value option. 

     Family Points: Enter the number of points awarded to a patron for having a family.

4.  Click Update. The Lottery Batch successfully updated message is displayed.

5.  If necessary, continue by configuring rules for the lottery batch.