Configure Rules for Meal-Plan Point Averaging

Lottery batch points are distributed according to the patron for whom points are being calculated (the “target patron”) and all the other members of the group of which the target patron belongs. The Meal-Plan Point Averaging grid is used to determine how points are assigned when the target patron has not signed the independent pledge. A subtotal of points for all members of the group (including the target patron) is calculated based on the group members’ class and then divided by the total number of group members. For example:

Though an institution may define the any number of points to a patron according to the patron’s class, the default meal plan grid specifies 1, 2, 3, and 4 points for Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, respectively:











If a group has 2 Freshman (2 points), 3 Sophomores (6 points), one junior (3 points), and two seniors (8 points), the total points for the group is 19. Thus, each of the 8 members will receive 2.37 points (19 ÷ 8 = 2.37).

The subtotal can be affected by the calculation of facility points. If the target patron receives additional points for a history of residency in a facility that matches the Lottery Facility Attribute value, these points are then added to the subtotal before the average is calculated. The total points are then divided by the number of people in the group. In this example, if the target patron received 3 additional points for residency, the final lottery value would be 2.75 points (22 ÷ 8 = 2.75).

Use the following procedures to add, edit, or delete a rule for Meal-Plan Point Averaging:

Add a Rule

1.  Click Meal-Plan Point Averaging to populate the grid with the meal plan rules.

2.  Click Add.

3.  Select a class from the Class drop-down menu, and enter the amount of points associated with the class.

4.  Click Save.

Edit a Rule

1.  Click Meal-Plan Point Averaging to populate the grid with the meal plan rules.

2.  Click Edit next to the desired rule.

3.  Edit the class from the Class drop-down menu, and/or edit the amount of points associated with the class.

4.  Click Update.

Delete a Rule

1.  Click Meal-Plan Point Averaging to populate the grid with the meal plan rules.

2.  Click Delete next to the rule that you want to delete. A confirmation message is displayed.

3.  Click OK. The Lottery Rule successfully deleted message is displayed.