Configure Attribute Values for an Attribute

Use the following procedure to add Attribute Values to an Attribute from the Attribute Setup page:

1.  Select Attributes from the Setup > Global menu. The Attributes page is displayed.

2.  Search for an Attribute, if necessary.

3.  From the Attributes grid, click Edit next to an Attribute to edit.

4.  In the Attribute Values section, click Add Attribute Value, and enter a value. Click Save.

The value must be appropriate for the Data Type; if the value does not match the Data Type, the value will be invalid and an error will be displayed.

Note: Yes/No Attributes will have Yes and No Attribute values, by default. Users do not need to manually create those values.

5.  Repeat step 4 until all necessary Attribute Values are added.

6.  After adding Attribute Values, the following options are available:

     To sort values, use the up and down arrows to move the values. The Order of the values defines the importance or stregth of the values and the order they are displayed in menus in ResCenter. Values higher in the grid will have a lower Order number. For example:

If there is a Patron Attribute for “Study Music Volume”, an Attribute Value of “Low” may be ranked 1; “Medium” = 2; “Loud” = 3; and “Extra Loud” = 4.

     To edit an Attribute Value, click Edit next to a value.

     To delete an Attribute Value, click Delete next to a value.

7.  To require a user or patron to select a value from the list (as opposed to being able to manually enter a new value), select the Users Must Select Entry From Values List checkbox.