Configure Attribute Rules for a Group Definition

Use the following procedure to configure Attribute rules for a group definition:

1.  Select Group Definitions from the Web section of the Setup menu. The Group Definitions page is displayed.

2.  Click Select Attribute Rule next to the desired group definition. The Attribute Rules List table displays.

3.  Edit the information in the fields provided:

Add an Attribute Rule

Use the following procedure to add an Attribute rule to a group definition:

1.  From the Attribute Rules List table, click Add. A new row is displayed at the bottom of the grid.

2.  Enter information in the fields provided.

     *Attribute Name: Select an Attribute from the drop-down menu.

     *Attribute Value: Select one or more Attribute values from the drop-down menu.

     *Minimum %: Enter a value for the minimum percentage of patrons in a group that must meet the defined Attribute value. For example, if at least half of the patrons in the group must have the defined Attribute value, enter 50 for 50%.

If more than one Attribute value is defined, any combination of the defined values can be used to reach the minimum %.

     Limit by Gender: If this option is selected, the Minimum % applies to each gender. For example: If the Minimum % is 50%, then at least 50% of each gender must meet the Attribute rule requirement.

3.  Click Save. The Group definition successfully added message is displayed.

Edit an Attribute Rule

Use the following procedure to edit an Attribute rule for a group definition:

1.  From the Attribute Rules List table, click Edit next to the desired Attribute rule.

2.  Edit the information in the fields provided.

     *Attribute Name: Select an Attribute from the drop-down menu.

     *Attribute Value: Select one or more Attribute values from the drop-down menu.

     *Minimum %: Enter a value for the minimum percentage of patrons in a group that must meet the defined Attribute value. For example, if at least half of the patrons in the group must have the defined Attribute value, enter 50 for 50%.

If more than one Attribute value is defined, any combination of the defined values can be used to reach the minimum %.

     Limit by Gender: If this option is selected, the Minimum % applies to each gender. For example: If the Minimum % is 50%, then at least 50% of each gender must meet the Attribute rule requirement.

3.  Click Update. The Attribute rule successfully updated message is displayed.

Delete an Attribute Rule

Use the following procedure to delete an Attribute rule from a group definition:

1.  From the Attribute Rules List table, click Delete next to the desired Attribute rule.

2.  The Attribute rule successfully deleted message is displayed.