Candidates Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Candidates grid under the Ranked Assignment Results tab on the Automatic Assignment page.

Patron Info





The last name and first name of the candidate


The gender of the candidate


The class of the candidate

Building Preferences

A list of the candidates top five building preferences, in the order they were ranked.

Proposed Assignments





The name of the facility proposed for the candidate. If the batch is run, facilities will be populated with proposed assignments.


The candidate’s initial ranking for the proposed assignment facility.

Failure Reason

If a candidate is not assigned to a facility, one of the following messages will be displayed:

     Failed to make top 4 – This is displayed if an assignment for a candidate did not meet one of the candidate’s top four choices.

     Failed Assignment – This is displayed if a candidate is not assigned to a facility by the algorithm.

Assignment State

The candidate’s assignment state. The following states are possible:

     Proposed – The candidate has a proposed assignment that has not yet been applied.

     Applied – The candidate's assignment has been successfully applied and the candidate has been assigned to the facility

     Failed – The candidate has not been assigned to the facility due to the assignment failing to be applied.