Cancel or Terminate a Contract Item

When a patron leaves a housing facility or wants to end a meal plan (or other contract), the contract ‘s Actual End Date should be edited. This change indicates in ResCenter that the contract item ended early and allows the user to use a previously defined proration schedule. The contract Status should be changed to reflect the early ending of the contract item.

Use the following procedure to edit a patron contract for cancellation or termination:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Contracts tab. The List of Patron Contracts grid displays all contracts associated with the patron.

4.  Click Edit on the desired contract, and select Edit Contract.

5.  Enter or select the Actual End date.

Note: If not prorating any charges or credits for the contract item, skip to step 9 (editing the contract Status).

6.  Click Save.

7.  If necessary, use the Prorate Charges/Credits for a Contract Item procedure (following this section) to prorate charges or credits for the contract item.

8.  Return to the List of Patron Contracts grid. Click Edit on the desired contract, and select Edit Contract.

9.  Edit the Status of the contract. Select one of the following options:

     Terminated: The Terminated state should be used when a contract item ends before the Expected End date. A Terminated contract counts against asset, asset type, or facility usage unless the Actual End date is changed. If changed, the room or asset will become available following the Actual End date.

     Canceled: The Canceled state is a final state and does not count against asset, asset type, or facility usage. A Canceled contract item can be reversed to either a Preliminary or an Active state.

10. Add or edit notes in the Notes section, if necessary.

11. Click Save.

Prorate Charges/Credits for a Contract Item

1.  From the List of Patron Contracts grid, click the Billing Items menu next to the desired contract, and select Proration Details. The Proration Details for Contract section will be displayed.

2.  Select the desired Proration Type:

     Immediately by Proration Schedule: If this option is selected, select an associated Proration Schedule from Contract End Proration drop-down menu. The proration transactions will appear in the Transaction List. This option generates a proration charge after saving (clicking OK) regardless of the Prorate Automatically setting in Odyssey HMS (Tools > Institution Settings… > Contracts).

     Manual Proration: If this option is selected, configure the proration settings for the contract item using the Proration Calculator settings. For more information about proration schedule settings, refer to the Proration Schedules section.

     Prorate Later (Automatic): If this option is selected, ResCenter automatically calculates prorated charges or credits when a user manually creates or modifies a contract and determines if the charges/credits are generated immediately or later.

Note: For the Prorate Later (Automatic) option, if the Prorate Automatically setting is enabled in Odyssey HMS (Tools > Institution Settings… > Contracts), the prorated charges/credits will be generated automatically through the Process Contract Items task. If the Prorate Automatically setting is disabled, proration will not occur.

     Do Not Prorate: If this option is selected, ResCenter will not apply any proration charges/credits to the contract item.