Assign Rooms

After you have reserved rooms for the attendee of an event, you can assign the rooms. Use the following procedure to assign rooms:

1.  Select Events from the Conferences menu. The Events page is displayed. Click Select next to the event for which you want to assign rooms. The View Event page is displayed.

2.  From the Attendee Group grid, click Select next to the attendee group for which you want to assign rooms. The View Attendee Group page is displayed.

3.  From the Attendees grid, click Assign Rooms. The Assign Rooms page is displayed.

4.  Enter information in the fields provided to find reserved rooms.

     Expected date ranges: The expected date ranges and times for unassigned attendees are displayed in this drop-down list. This field limits the list of reserved rooms displayed to those that have available space for the entire selected date range. Rooms with spaces that are available for part of the date range will not be displayed. This field defaults to the assignment date range for a given attendee group.

     Location: Click Lookup and then click any facility level to specify a location. All rooms under the selected facility will be included in the search results.

Alternatively, enter a search phrase and click Lookup. The results will display all locations that match the search phrase. Click Clear to remove the search phrase.

     Room Type: Select a room type from the drop-down list.

     Show available rooms only: Select this check box to display reserved rooms with available space. Clear the check box to display all reserved rooms. The label above the list of rooms will change accordingly to Available Rooms (spaces) or Reserved Rooms (spaces).

Click Search. Rooms meeting your search criteria are displayed in the Available/Reserved Rooms (spaces) list. If an attendee is assigned to a room, the attendee information (ID, name, gender, assignment dates) will appear under the room.

Note: If the Use overflow spaces option is checked for the Attendee Group, then the Available Rooms list will appear differently. The list’s heading will display Available Rooms (available spaces / regular + overflow). Room spaces will be displayed in a “Name (# / #+#)” format, with the numbers indicating “(available spaces / regular spaces as of the requested start period + overflow spaces as of the requested start period)”.

Click Expand All to expand the list of rooms (spaces) and to show the attendees already assigned to the room. Click Collapse All to hide the assigned attendees information. The display defaults to Expand All.

The ID, gender, name, and expected occupancy date range for attendees for the event who have not yet been assigned a room are displayed in the Attendees Not Assigned list.

5.  Highlight an attendee, select an available room, and click < Assign. The attendee appears in the Available/Reserved Rooms (spaces) list under the room to which the attendee was assigned (click the + sign to display the attendee). When you assign an attendee to a room, a contract is created in a Preliminary state.

You can highlight multiple attendees to assign them to a room with multiple spaces at the same time. If you attempt to assign more attendees than there is space in the room (for example, if you attempt to assign three attendees to a room with only two spaces), only the first attendees on the list will be assigned.

A warning will be displayed if you attempt to assign an attendee to a room that has been assigned to an attendee with a different gender (that is, you attempt to assign a male attendee to a room assigned to a female attendee). You can go ahead with the assignment or click Cancel.

To unassign an attendee from a room, select the attendee in the Available/Reserved Rooms (spaces) list under the appropriate room and click Unassign >. The Unassign button is active only if the assignment contract is in a Preliminary state. When you unassign an attendee, the assignment contract is removed.

6.  Click Close to return to the Attendees grid. The assigned rooms are displayed in the Room column. A reservation number is automatically assigned to the attendee and the reservation is assigned a Preliminary state.