Assignment Maximum Overview

Select Assignment Maximum for the Switch Lottery Batch

After selecting preferences for the switch lottery batch, use the following procedure to select an assignment maximum for the batch from the Assignment Maximum tab of the Switch Lottery page:

1.  Select Switch Lottery from the Assignment section of the Patron menu. The List of Switch Lottery Batches grid is displayed in the Search tab of the Switch Lottery page.

2.  If necessary, search for an assignment batch.

3.  Click Select on the desired switch lottery batch, and then select the Assignment Maximum tab.

4.  In the drop-down menu, select the Assignment Maximum configured for the switch lottery batch.

5.  The Assignment Maximum’s facilities will be displayed in the List of Assignment Max Rules grid. For each entry, the facility’s Gender and candidate space Limit is listed.

Note: If there are more patrons in the batch than spaces available, a random selection of patrons will be removed so that the number of patrons will match the number of spaces available. The batch will then run, and any removed patrons will be “failed” for the switch lottery batch.

6.  After selecting an assignment maximum, continue by configuring options for the switch lottery batch.