Advanced Find – Financial Transactions

The Financial Transactions Advanced Find is accessed via the Transaction section of the Financial Transactions menu.

The Financial Transactions Advanced Find allows users to search the Account Financial Transactions Journal. For example, a user can search for Financial Transactions by Transaction Code or Post Date. Financial Transactions can also be searched for by Patron First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, or ID Number.

In the Results grid, each financial transaction includes the Transaction ID, Amount, Transaction Code, Post Date, Journal Status, and associated Housing Term, by default. A user can alter the grid display to add or remove columns.

In the Results grid, clicking the View Patron icon will display the profile of the patron associated with the financial transaction. Similarly, clicking the View Facility icon displays the facility associated with the financial transaction, if applicable.

Refer to the Patron Advanced Find and Facilities Advanced Find sections for more information on using Advanced Find.