Advanced Find Examples

The following scenarios are examples of how Advanced Find can be used to search for specific information:

Find Patrons without Active Assignments in a Specific Term

This find will return only those patrons without active assignments in a specific term. This type of find is often used for Automatic Assignment lists, but can also be used for other purposes. 

To generate this information, using patron Advanced Find, construct a find expression that specifies the term name and Patron.Assigned = No.

Note: Patron.Assigned = No will only return patrons who are not assigned at any point during the find date range.

Create a List of Patrons Who Are Assigned to Certain Halls

This type of find is useful for creating a list of patrons assigned to different areas of  the campus. For instance, to find all patrons who are assigned under N100 Hall or S500 Hall on 2/1/2013, construct a find expression that specifies Facility.Building Name is one of N100;S500.

The is one of operator allows a user to select patrons who are assigned in either hall.

Note: Including a facility field in patron Advanced Find, either in the filter or as a column in the results, will automatically only include patrons who have assignments with either preliminary, active, suspended, completed, or terminated states during the find date range.

Find Patrons Who Do Not Have Information Stored in a Particular Attribute

This type of find is useful for finding patrons who are missing data in fields that should contain data. For instance, an institution may have a policy that all patrons have Class information entered. To verify if all patrons have Class information entered on 2/1/2021, using patron Advanced Find, construct a find expression that specifies Patron.Class = [None] and a date range of 2/1/2021 to 2/1/2021. These settings will only return patrons without any value for Class on the specified date.

Alternatively, to find all patrons who have a value in the Class attribute, specify Patron.Class not = [None] while using the same date range.

Find All Patrons Who Have a Note Alert During A Specific Date Range

To find all patrons who have a note alert during a term, construct a find expression that specifies PatronNote.Alert = Yes and the desired term dates. This find will only return patrons who have at least one note alert with a NoteDate in the find date range.