Add Multiple Charge Schedules

The Add Multiple Charge Schedules option allows users to create many charge schedules at once. If necessary, multiple charge schedules can then be linked to a contract under a patron’s Contracts tab.

Note: For each step in the Add Multiple Charge Schedules wizard, certain configurable settings will only be available based on the options defined in the steps preceding it. In the following sections, all settings are listed and defined. However, not all settings will be displayed for each type of Charge or Proration schedule and its associated configuration.

Refer to Charge Schedule Types in the Charge/Prorations Templates section for more information about each Charge Schedule type.

Use the following procedure to add multiple charge schedules:

1.  From the Financial Transactions section of the Setup menu, select Billing > Charge/Proration Schedules. The Charge Schedules page is displayed.

2.  In the List of Charge Schedules grid, click   Add drop-down menu, and select Add Multiple Charge Schedules. The charge schedule wizard is displayed.

3.  Follow each step in the charge schedule wizard:

Step 1: Number of Charge Schedules

1.  Enter the number of charge schedules to create.

2.  Click Next.

Step 2: Charge Schedule General Properties

1.  For each charge schedule in the list, enter the following information:

     Name: Enter a name for the charge schedule.

     Asset Type: Select an associated Asset Type for the charge schedule.

Note: Each asset type can have multiple charge schedules.

     Term: Select a term to which the charge schedule template will be linked. A charge schedule may be linked to a term for billing purposes.

If a term is defined for a charge schedule, then term dates determine billing period dates for a contract for all charge schedule types except Charge List. Additionally, all financial transactions are associated with the linked term. This allows institutions to identify transactions for a specific term.

     Holiday Schedule: Select an associated holiday schedule to specify dates that are not included in billing and proration calculations.

     Charge Method: Select the time in which the service usage period is counted (Daily or Nightly). When ResCenter calculates a time period for which to charge or credit, calculations are based on an interval between two dates—either the number of days (Daily) or the number of nights (Nightly).

Example of Daily usage period calculation method:

Term Dates: 08/24/18 - 12/16/18 (115 days)

Holidays: 11/24/18 - 11/26/18 (3 days)

Charge: $1 per day - $112.00 total

Early departure on 11/27/18: Refund $20.00 for 20 days not being used

Early departure on 11/26/18: Refund $20.00 for the same 20 days not being used because 11/26 is a holiday and was not charged initially

Early departure on 11/23/18: Refund $21.00 for 21 days not being used

Early departure on 08/24/18: Refund $111.00; The first day is charged

Example of Nightly usage period calculation method:

Term Dates: 08/24/18 - 12/16/18 (114 nights)

Holidays: 11/24/18 - 11/26/18 (3 nights)

Charge: $1 per night - $111.00 total

Early departure on 11/27/18: Refund $19.00 for 19 night not being used

Early departure on 11/26/18: Refund $19.00 for the same 19 nights not being used because the night from 11/26 to 11/27 is a holiday night and was not charged initially

Early departure on 11/23/18: Refund $20.00 for 20 nights not being used

Early departure on 08/24/18: Refund $111.00; No nights to charge

     Schedule Type: Select the type of charge schedule (Single Charge, Charge Per Day/Night, Weekly Charge, Monthly Charge, Charge List, or No Charge). Refer to Charge Schedule Types in the Charge/Prorations Templates section for more information about each option.

     For the Valid Date Range, select the From and To dates to define the date range the charge schedule based on this template can be used.

2.  To enable the charge schedule template to be used, check the Active check box.

Default: If a charge schedule is marked as a default, it will automatically get linked to a contract when a user creates a contract for the associated asset type.

Family Default: If a patron has a family member with a contract for an associated asset type, any of the asset type’s charge schedules with Family Default checked will be added to the family’s contract.

3.  Post: Select the post type for this charge schedule:

     Immediately: The charge is posted the on the same date the charge is generated.

     After Specific Number of Days: The charge post date is the number of defined days after the charge is generated.

     On Specific Day of Month: The charge post date is on the next occurrence of the specified day of the month. If 31 is entered, charges will always post at the end of the same month in which the charge is generated.

     At Beginning of Month: The charge post date is the first day of the next month after the generated charge date.

     At End of Month: The charge post date is the last day of the month in which the charge is generated.

4.  Click Next.

Step 3: Charge Schedule Transaction Codes Properties

1.  For each charge schedule in the list, enter the following information:

     Charge Code: Select the transaction code to categorize the charge associated with the contract item. The Charge Code options are based on the Asset Type selected.

     Credit Code: Select the “transfer in” transaction code to categorize the deposit associated with the contract item. The Credit Code options are based on the Asset Type selected.

2.  Click Next.

Step 4: Charge Schedule Type Properties

1.  For each charge schedule in the list, the following information:

     Charge Amount: Enter the amount that this schedule will charge the patron. The amount must correlate with the charge schedule’s type. For instance, if you’ve set up a Weekly charge schedule, enter the weekly charge amount in this field.

     Charge Day: Select a day of the week that charges are calculated.

First day, then weekly

End of first week, then weekly








     Charge Week: Select a week of the month that charges are calculated.


1st week of the month

2nd week of the month

3rd week of the month

4th week of the month

Last week of the month

     Partial Period Charging Type: Partial period charging occurs at the end of a weekly or monthly schedule. For a weekly charge schedule, a partial week will occur if the contract item’s end date is on a different day of the week than its start date—such as a contract item that starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday.

A partial month will occur if there is at least one extra day of usage past a whole month. For example: A contract item with dates from 2/1/19 to 4/10/19 has a partial month at the end, as does an item with dates from 2/1/19 to 4/30/19. If a contract item has dates from 2/1/19 to 4/1/19, it does not have a partial month.

Select a partial period charging type from the drop-down menu.

Full Charge: A partial week or month is always rounded up to one full period for charging.

No Charge: No charge is made until another full week or month is used.

Custom Charge Amount: A partial week or month results in a fixed charge as defined by the charge schedule.

Percent Charge: The charge is calculated from the number of actual usage days in the period. For example: For 10 days of usage, when the monthly charge (for a 31 day month) is $100, the partial charge is calculated as (($100/31) x 10) = $32.26.

     Charge Week: This setting defines the week of the month the charge occurs (first, second, etc)

     Charge List Item Count: This value defines the number of charge list items to be added to the charge schedule.

2.  Click Next.

Step 5: Charge List Properties

1.  For any charge schedule defined as a Charge List, enter the following information for each Charge List Item:

     Charge Date: This is the date the charge list item will be charged.

     Amount: This value is the charge amount.

     Post Date: This is the date when the charge is posted to the system.

     Term: The term associated with the charge (indicated when viewing the charge in the Financial Transactions module). If Term is left blank, the charge schedule’s Term will be used. If neither Term is set, no Term will be defined.

     Installment Period Range: This is the date range of the charge. This date range can’t overlap with other charges in the charge list. The Installment Period Range allows different charges to be separated.

2.  Click Next.

Step 6: Charge Schedule Post/Other Properties

Most charge schedules also include a post type to determine when a generated charge will be posted, applicable if you’re using the Financial Transactions module. A charge list charge schedule does not use the post type since the charge list specifies the post date for each charge.

All post type choices except Immediately require that you run the Post Deferred Transactions task after the charge is generated to post unposted charges.

1.  Enter or select any available additional properties for each charge schedule:

     After Specific Number of Days: The charge is posted on the defined number of days after the charge is generated.

     On Day of Month: The charge schedule is posted on the next occurrence of the defined day of the month. If 31 is entered, charges will always be posted at the end of the month in which the charge is generated.

     Custom Charge Amount: If Partial Period Charging is selected in Step 4, this value defines the custom amount of the partial period charge.

     Post Day: This defines the day of the month in which to post.

     Charge Day: When using a monthly charge, the Charge Day defines the day of the month the charge occurs. (First, Second, etc.)

2.  Click Next.

Step 7: Number of Proration Schedules for each Charge Schedule

1.  For each charge schedule, enter the Number of Proration Schedules.

2.  Click Next.

Step 8: Proration Schedule General Properties

1.  For each proration schedule, enter the following information:

     Name: Enter a name for the proration schedule template.

     Charge Code: Select the transaction code used when posting the prorated charge. The transaction code must be linked to the asset type if it can be selected in the proration schedule template.

     Credit Code: Select the transaction code used when posting the prorated credit. The transaction code must be linked to the asset type if it can be selected in the proration schedule template.

     Valid Date Range: Enter the earliest and latest dates when a proration schedule based on this template can be applied.

2.  Select a Schedule Type to define the type of proration schedule template.

     If Sliding Scale - Fixed is selected, this schedule type allows setting up a table that defines the proration amount based on the number of extra days used or the number of days not used.

For instance, use this type of proration schedule to charge $200 for up to 30 days of extra use and $650 for 30-60 days of extra use.

     If Sliding Scale - Percentage is selected, this schedule type allows defining percentages to use to calculate the proration amount based on the number of extra days used or the number of days not used.

For instance, use this type of proration to charge 20% of the original amount for the first 30 days of extra use and 50% of the original amount for 30-60 days of extra use.

     If Fixed Amount Per Period is selected, this schedule type allows defining the proration amount (in dollars) per period (such as $10 per night). Complete the following fields as necessary:

Amount Per Period:

Period Type: The Per Day/Night type takes defined holidays into account when calculating the prorated amounts. For the other types, holidays are treated the same as other days. For information about setting up holidays, see Holiday Schedules.

Number of Days:

Rounding: The Rounding method applies only if the Period Type is Per Week, Per Month, or a Specific # of Days.

     If Average Amount per Day/Night By Total Charge is selected, this schedule type is used for periodic and installment billing. It means that the proration amount per night is the average nightly cost during the contract (calculated from the total contract assessment amount and the duration of the contract).

     If Average Amount per Day/Night By Installment is selected, this schedule type is used only for monthly and installment billing. It means that the proration amount per night is based on the average nightly (installment) cost during the installment (contract)

3.  Default: In the event of a proration, if this option is enabled, this proration schedule will by selected, by default.

4.  Proration Is Posted On Generation: When this check box is checked, the credit or charge will be posted as soon as the proration steps are completed. If the check box is not checked, the credit or charge will remain unposted and must be posted manually.

5.  Click Next.

Step 9: Proration Schedule Type Properties

1.  For each proration schedule, enter the following information:

     Period Type: This setting defines the format of how the charge amount is prorated.

The Per Day/Night type takes defined holidays into account when calculating the prorated amounts. For the other types, holidays are treated the same as other days.

Per Day/Night

Per Week

Per Month

Specific # of Days

     Period Amount: This is the amount to prorate per period selected.

     Period Days: For Specific # of Days, this value is the number of days (or interval) at which proration occurs for the Period Amount.

     Rounding Type: This setting defines how proration charges are rounded. The Rounding Type applies only if the Period Type is Per Week, Per Month, or a Specific # of Days.

Full Charge: If there’s a partial period (like per week), using Full Charge prorates the full amount for the period.

No Charge: This option disables prorating an additional amount for a partial period.

Percent: This option prorates an amount based on a percentage of the partial period.

     Early Start Sliding List Count: Enter the number of Early Start Sliding Scale items to use when calculating proration.

     Late Start Sliding List Count: Enter the number of Late Start Sliding Scale items to use when calculating proration.

     Early End Sliding List Count: Enter the number of Early End Sliding Scale items to use when calculating proration.

     Late End Sliding List Count: Enter the number of Late End Sliding Scale items to use when calculating proration.

2.  Click Next.

Step 10: Proration Sliding Scale List Properties

The Proration Sliding Scale List Properties allow for a certain number of days or dates to begin proration and an applicable charge for that time.

1.  Complete the following options for Early Start List, Late Start List, Early End List, and Late End List, as necessary:

     Type: Select one of the following sliding scale types:

Specific Number of Days: This option allows defining the number of late/early days allowed before proration is started.

Specific Calendar Date: This option allows defining the date on which proration can begin. Select a date from the calendar drop-down menu.

     Amount: This value is the amount to prorate based on specific date or number of days. 

     Number of Days Before/After Start/End: This value is the number of days allowed before proration begins.

     Calendar Date: This value is the date allowed before proration begins.

2.  Click Next.

Step 11: Proration Reason Properties

1.  For each proration schedule, enter the following information:

2.  In the Proration Reasons section, indicate the conditions (reasons) under which to apply the proration schedule. By default, all check boxes except Early Start and Late End are checked.

Note: Proration reasons with an asterisk (*) can have a corresponding Blackout Date.

The following options are available:

     Early Start

     Late Start*

     Late Start (change)*

     Early End (change)*

     Early End*

     Late End

3.  Click Next.

Step 12: Blackout Date Properties

1.  For Blackout Dates, indicate a period of time that should be skipped during proration calculation. For example, an institution may not want to prorate the first week of a term.

For each proration reason, select a date in the following fields:

     Late Start Blackout Up To

     Late Start (change) Blackout Up To

     Early End Blackout Up To

     Early End (change) Blackout Up To

Blackout Dates are available for the following proration types:

     Fixed Amount per Period

     Average Amount per Day/Night By Total Charge

     Average Amount per Day/Night By Installments

2.  Click Next.

Step 13: Summary

The Summary step displays the configured settings for each defined charge schedule and associated proration schedule. Review the settings for each item. If necessary, click Previous to navigate to a previous screen and make any changes.

When all configuration is complete, click Finish. The Charge Schedules successfully added message is displayed.