Add Facility Preferences

Use the Facility Preferences option to allow patrons to select and rank housing preferences. Administrators can use the preferences when determining patron housing assignments.

When the Facility Preferences section is added to an Application, the administrator must check each facility that should appear on the Application Form displayed to the patron.

Use the following procedure to add a Facility Preferences section to an Application:

1.  Select the Facility Preferences option and drag it to the desired location in the Application.

2.  Hover over the Facility Preferences section and click Edit to show the configuration options.

     Required – If checked, the patron must complete the Facility Preferences section of the Application.

     Label – The Label is the name for the Facility Preferences section displayed on the Application.

     Enable “Other” – If checked, an additional Option, labeled Other, will be added to the list of Options. When a patron selects Other, a blank field is displayed to allow the patron to enter text.

     Options – Use the Options table to select each facility that should be displayed on the Application for patrons.

Note: Selecting Facilities can also be completed when viewing the Application layout with Edit mode closed. (See step 3)

If necessary, rename or remove available options displayed as checkboxes. To add an option, click Add Option +.

For each option, the left column includes the name of the Option that will be displayed on the Application. The right column is the internal ID number.

     Preference Rank: The Preference Rank value indicates the number of Facilities a patron is required to select.

3.  Select the facilities that should be displayed on the Application Form (when viewed by a patron) by checking the checkbox next to the necessary facilities.

Note: This process can also be accomplished in Edit mode. (See previous step.)

4.  If necessary, drag the Facility Preferences section to another location in the Application.