Add a Task

Use the following procedure to add a batch task on the Tasks page:

1.  Select Tasks from the Tasks section of the Setup menu. The Tasks page is displayed.

2.  From the Tasks grid, click Add New Task.

3.  Continue configuring the task on each step of the Task wizard:

Select Task Type

Use the following procedure to configure general information for the Task Type|topic=Inventory Item Type Overview:

1.  Enter a Task Name for the task, and select a Task Type from the drop-down menu.

Refer to the Task Types Overview section for information about Task Types and how to configure each task

2.  By default, the task will be enabled and ready to run manually or at the scheduled time. To create the task but disable it from running, uncheck the Enabled check box.

3.  If necessary, enter any notes about the task in the Task Notes field.

4.  Click Go to Task Details.

Add Task Details

Each Task Type has unique Task Details for configuration. Refer to the Task Types Overview section for information about configuring each task.

After configuring Task Details for the task, click Go to Task Frequency.

Configure Task Frequency

Use the following procedure to configure a schedule for a batch task|topic=Inventory Item Type Overview:

1.  In the Frequency drop-down menu, select how often the batch task should run:

     One Time – Select this option to only run the task once.

     Hourly – Select this option to run the task once each hour. In the Minutes drop-down menu, select the minute in each hour that the task will run.

     Daily – Select this option to run the task once each day. In the Time menu, select the time that the task will run each day.

     Week Days – Select this option to run the task once each day. In the Days section, select each day in which the batch should run. In the Time menu, select the time that the task will run each day.

     Weekly – Select this option to run the task once each week. In the Day of the Week menu, select which day of the week the task will run. In the Time menu, select the time that the task will run on that day.

     Monthly – Select this option to run the task once each month. In the Day of Month menu, select which day of the month the task will run. Alternatively, select Last Day of the Month to set the batch task to always run on the month’s last day. In the Time menu, select the time that the task will run on that day.

     Yearly – Select this option to run the task once each year. In the Day of Month menu, select which day of the month the task will run. In the Month menu, select which month the task will run. In the Time menu, select the time that the task will run on that day.

     Minute Interval – Select this option to run the task once every defined interval (in minutes). In the Minutes menu, enter or select the number of minutes between each time the task should run.

     Hour and Minute Interval – Select this option to run the task once every defined interval (in hours and minutes). In the Minutes menu, enter or select the number of minutes between each time the bask should run. In the Hours menu, enter or select how the number of hours between each time the task should run. The interval between each task will be the total time of the hour and minutes combined.

     Day Interval – Select this option to run the task once every defined interval (in days). In the Days menu, enter or select the number of days between each time the task should run. In the Time menu, select the time that the task will run each time.

     Week Interval – Select this option to run the task once every defined interval (in weeks). In the Day of Week menu, select which day of the week the task will run. In the Weeks menu, enter or select the number of weeks between each time the task should run. In the Time menu, select the time that the task will run each time.

     Month Interval – Select this option to run the task once every defined interval (in months). In the Day of Month menu, select which day of the month the task will run. In the Months menu, enter or select the number of months between each time the task should run. In the Time menu, select the time that the task will run each time.

2.  In the First Run Date menu, select the day on which the task schedule should begin.

Note: Setting the First Run Date does not cause the task to run on that date unless it was already scheduled to do so. The First Run Date is the date the task schedule takes effect.

3.  If necessary, use the Run Date Options menu to select an overall time of when the task should be run (or not run):

     Always Run This Task – Select this option to always run the task according to the Frequency and First Run Date settings. This option is selected by default.

     Only Run Task During Date Range - Select this option to put a date range limit on when the task should be run. Select dates in the Start Date and End Date menus.

     Do Not Run Task During Date Range – Select this option to prevent the task from running in a selected date range. Select dates in the Start Date and End Date menus.

4.  If any past scheduled tasks did not run (if the system experiences downtime, for example), select the Run Overdue Tasks option to run the tasks.

If the Run Overdue Tasks option is enabled, but the past tasks should only be run once, select the Run Overdue Tasks Only Once option.

5.  Click Go to Summary.

View Task Summary

The Task Summary is a read-only display of the task configuration.

1.  Review the information on the Task Summary page.

2.  If necessary, add an Alert to the task. Refer to the following Add A Task Alert section for more information.

3.  To save the task configuration, click Save.

To save the task configuration and run the task immediately, click Run Task.

Add a Task Alert

The Alerts option allows a user to create a list of emailed alerts in the event of the task failing. Alert emails contain the following information:

     Task Type – The name of the Task Type

     Status Message – The reason for the task failure

     Scheduled Start– The task’s scheduled start date and time

     Actual Start - The task’s Actual start date and time

Note: For an alert to be sent upon task failure, the Email on Failure check box must be checked. Otherwise, the alert will be disabled and not sent.

Use the following procedure to configure task alerts from the Alerts section on the Task Summary step:

1.  Click New Email Address to add an email address to the list of email recipients.

2.  Enter an email address in the Email Address field, and click Save. The email address will be added to the list of recipients.

3.  Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each email address.

If necessary, edit an email address by selecting the email address in the list and clicking Modify Email Address.

If necessary, an email address can be removed from the list by selecting the email address and clicking Delete Email Address.

4.  To enable the alert email to be sent, check the Email on Failure check box. Otherwise, the alert will be disabled and not sent.