Add a Report

Use the following procedure to add a report from the Report Setup page:

1.  Select Report Setup from the Reports menu. The Report Setup page is displayed.

2.  From the List of Reports grid, click Add. The Add New Report page is displayed.

3.  Enter information in the fields provided.

     *Module: Select the module that you want the report to be associated with from the drop-down list.

     *Category: Select the category that you want the report to be associated with from the drop-down list.

     *Report file: Click Browse to select the appropriate RPT file.

4.  Click Submit. The Report Settings page is displayed.

5.  The module, category, report file, report author, and create date are displayed in read-only fields. Enter information in the fields provided.

     *Title: Enter the title of the report.

     Description: Enter a description of the report.

     Purpose: Describe the purpose of the report.

     Display order: Select the number order that the report will display from the drop-down list.

6.  Click Submit. The report is added to the List of Reports grid.