Add a Payment Method

Payment Methods are used in the Attendee Account section for recording payments. Use the following procedure to add a payment method:

1.  Select Payment Methods from the Conferences section of the Setup menu. The Payment Methods page is displayed.

2.  Click Add.

3.  Enter information in the fields provided.

     *Display Name: Enter a display name (for example, Check). The display name will appear in the Payment Method drop-down list when adding a payment to an attendee’s account in the Attendee Account option.

     *Description: Enter a description of the payment method (for example, personal check).

     *Active: Select Yes or No from the drop-down list to specify whether the payment method is active.

     *Display Order: Select the order that the payment method will display in the Payment Method drop-down list when adding a payment to an attendee’s account in the Attendee Account option.

4.  Click Save. The Item successfully added message is displayed.