Add a Note to a Patron Account

Use the following procedure to add a note to a patron’s financial account:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the FT tab. The Accounts grid displays all accounts associated with the patron. Refer to the Accounts Grid Overview for information about each grid column.

Click the View Notes button. The Account Notes grid is displayed.

4.  Click the  Add Note drop-down menu, and select either Add New Note or Add Predefined Note.

5.  For a New Note, complete the following steps:

     Select an Account to associate with the note.

     Select a note Type from the drop-down menu.

     In the Date field, enter a date or use the calendar date menu to select a date.

     Enter note text in the Note field.

     To set the note as alert, select the Alert check box.

     If the Alert check box is selected, enter or select an Expiration Date when the note will no longer be displayed as an alert.

6.  For a Predefined Note, complete the following steps:

     Select an Account to associate with the note

     From the Type drop-down menu, select a pre-defined note. Pre-defined notes are defined in the Financial Transactions section of the Setup module.

     To set the note as alert, select the Alert check box.

     If the Alert check box is selected, enter or select an Expiration Date when the note will no longer be displayed as an alert.

     If necessary, a predefined note’s text can be edited after it is saved.

7.  Click Save for a new note or Select for a predefined note.