Add an Inventory Item Type

Inventory item types are used to determine the grouping for inventory items. For example, Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom, Living Room. Use the following procedure to add an inventory item type:

1.  Select Room Inspection > Inventory > Inventory Item Types from the Setup > Maintenance menu. The Inventory Item Types page is displayed.

2.  Click Add.

3.  Enter information in the fields provided.

     *Display Name: Enter a display name (for example, Bedroom 2). The display name will appear in the Default Type column in the Inventory Items option and in the Type column in the Room Inspections option.

     *Description: Enter a description of the inventory item type (for example, Second Bedroom).

     *Active: Select Yes or No from the drop-down list to specify whether the inventory item type is active.

     *Display Order: Select the order that the inventory item type will be displayed in the Type column throughout the system.

4.  Click Save. The Item successfully added message is displayed.