Add a New Transfer

Use the following procedure to create a new financial transfer for a patron:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the FT tab. The Accounts grid displays all accounts associated with the patron. Refer to the Accounts Grid Overview for information about each grid column.

4.  In the Financial Transaction grid, click the Transaction drop-down menu, and select New Transfer. The New Transfer page is displayed.

5.  By default, the current patron’s ID number and name will be entered in the Patron ID and Patron Name fields, respectively. To select a different patron to associate with the payment, enter all or part of the patron’s last name or ID number in the Patron ID field and click Search

6.  Configure the following fields in the Account Out section for the account from which the funds will be transferred:

     Select the account from the Account Name drop-down menu.

     Select a Transaction Code.

     If necessary, select the Term a term to associate with the transfer.

7.  Configure the following fields in the Account In section for the account to which the funds will be transferred:

     Select the account from the Account Name drop-down menu.

     Select a Transaction Code.

     If necessary, select the Term a term to associate with the transfer.

8.  From the Transaction Code drop-down menu, select a Transaction Code to associate with the transfer.

9.  Enter the amount of the transfer in the Amount field.

10. If necessary, enter any other details about the transfer in the Comments field.

11. Click Save. After saving, the transfer’s Transaction ID and Transaction Source fields will be auto-filled.

12. To exit the New Transfer page, click Cancel.

Alternatively, click New to add a New Transaction, New Transfer, or New Payment.

After a transfer is created, it can be applied.