Add an Event Billable Item

When a user adds a Billable Item to an event, ResCenter automatically attempts to attach to it the Billable Item’s Standard Rate. This is the rate with default dates that overlap the event start date. If the default standard rate is found, the Rate Name, Rate Type, and Rate Amount will be auto-filled on the Billable Item’s row, and the Custom Rate column will display No.

Use the following procedure to add a Billable Item to an event.

1.  Select Events from the Conferences menu. The Events page is displayed. Click Select next to the event for which you want to add a Billable Item.

2.  Select the Billable Items tab, and click Add in the List of Billable Items grid. The Add Billable Items to an Event page is displayed.

3.  Select the desired Billable Items to add from the Available Billable Items list, and click the Add> button to move the them to the Selected Billable Items list. To add all of the Available Billable Items, click Add All>>.

If necessary, remove any unwanted Billable Items by selecting them from the Selected Billable Items and clicking the < Remove button. To remove all the Billable Items, click the <<Remove All button.

Note: When a billable item is moved to the Selected Billable Items list, all the charge schedules will be moved with it.

4.  To filter Available Billable Items, complete any or all of the fields of the Search Criteria section, and click the Search button.

     Name: Enter the name of the billable item you want to add to the event. Wildcards (*) can be used anywhere within the name. The value is not case-sensitive.

     Asset Group: Select an Asset Group from the drop-down menu. Choose from Equipment, Meal Plan, Residence, or Services. Only asset groups configured to the conference module will be listed here.

     Location Type: Select a Location type from the drop-down menu. This menu will only list options when Asset Group is Residence.

5.  Click Save.