Add an Attribute Request

Use the Attribute Request option to display a list of Attribute Values on the Waiting List form. A Patron can select a Attribute Value and be placed on the Waiting List for that Value.

The Attribute Request field is a placeholder for the list of Attribute Values available for a Patron to select. When added to a Form, it will display as a list of Attribute Values to a Patron in the GET app. The Attribute Value displayed are based on the Attribute defined when creating the Waiting List (via Setup > Facilities > Waiting Lists).

Note: A Waiting List Form needs only a Facility Request section or an Attribute Request section—not both. The added section depends on the associated Waiting List definition (selected when adding requirements in the last step in the form creation process).

A Waiting List Form needs a Facility Request section if it is associated with a Waiting List definition with a list of facilities.

Similarly, a Waiting List Form needs an Attribute Request section if it is associated with a Waiting List definition with a defined Attribute.

Use the following procedure to add an Attribute Request section to a Form:

1.  Select the Attribute Request option and drag it to the desired location in the Form.

2.  Click Edit to show the configuration options.

     Required – If checked, the patron must complete the Attribute Request section of the Form.

     Label – The Label is the name for the Attribute Request section displayed on the Form.

     Enable “Other” – If checked, an additional option, labeled Other, will be added to the list of Options. When a patron selects Other, a blank field is displayed to allow the patron to enter text.

     Read-Only By default, Attribute Request information is read-only.

Note: CBORD recommends leaving the Read-Only field checked.

3.  If necessary, drag the Attribute Request section to another location in the Form.