Add an Attribute

Attributes are the basis a Work Order’s content. When a patron attempts to complete a Work Order Form, the patron is essentially selecting one or more values from a set of attributes. By adding Attributes combined with Headers and Paragraphs, an Admin can create a Work Order that asks the patron questions and allows the patron to answer by entering text or selecting a value.

Note: Attributes are configured via Setup > Global > Attributes.

Use the following procedure to add an Attribute to a Work Order Form:

1.  Use the Select Attributes menu to select an attribute to add to the Work Order. Each selected attribute will be displayed on the Work Order.

If necessary, enter the name of an attribute in the Select Attributes menu to search for the attribute. Results will be displayed automatically as text is entered.

2.  For any attribute selected, the attribute’s display options (such as Text Field or Radio Buttons) will be displayed on a card below the Select Attributes field. These display options are determined by the type of attribute and how it is configured.

3.  If necessary, move the attribute by selecting and dragging it to the desired location in the Work Order.

4.  Hover over the attribute and click Edit to display the attribute’s configuration options. The following options are available depending on the attribute type selected. When finished editing options, click Close to save any changes.

Text Fields

The following options are available when editing a Text Field attribute format:

     Required – If checked, the patron is required to enter text in the text field for this attribute.

     Label – The Label is the name for the attribute displayed on the Work Order.

     Placeholder – The Placeholder is the default text displayed in the text field as an aide to the patron. This text can be instructional or a secondary label.

The Placeholder text is displayed until is overwritten by the patron. However, the Placeholder text will not be displayed initially if a Value is defined. Refer to the Value section (below) for more information.

     Value – The Value is the default text displayed in the text field. It appears as entered text in the Work Order. If both the Placeholder and Value are defined, the Value text is displayed, by default. However, if a user deletes the Value text on the Work Order, the Placeholder text will be displayed.

Note: The Value text is not limited to the Max Length value.

     Type – Indicates the type of Text field displayed.

Text – Allows a patron to enter text characters.

Password – Allows a patron to enter text characters that are hidden for privacy.

Email – Allows a patron to enter text characters in the Work Order an email address.

Tel – Allows a patron to enter numeric text characters for a telephone number.

     Max Length – The maximum number of characters a patron can enter for the field. If no value is entered, there is no character limit.

     Read-Only – If checked, the field will be displayed as read-only.

Radio Buttons

The Radio Button attribute format is available for Yes/No type attributes.

The following options are available when editing a Radio Button attribute format:

     Required – If checked, the patron is required to select a radio button for this attribute.

     Label – The Label is the name for the attribute displayed on the Work Order.

     Enable “Other” – If checked, an additional Option, labeled Other, will be added to the list of Options. When a patron selects Other, a blank field is displayed to allow the patron to enter text.

     Options – Use the Options table to rename or remove available options displayed as radio buttons. To add an option, click Add Option +.

For each option, the left column includes the name of the Option that will be displayed on the Work Order. The right column is the internal name.