Add an Attendee Emergency Contact

You can add attendee emergency contact information by clicking Add or View Details in the Emergency Contact Information section of the View Attendee page.

Note: An Add link will be displayed if no emergency contacts have been added for the attendee. A View Details link will be displayed if one or more emergency contacts have been added.

Use the following procedure to add an attendee emergency contact:

1.  Select Events from the Conferences menu. The Events page is displayed. Click Select next to the event for which you want to edit an attendee. The View Event page is displayed.

2.  From the Attendee Groups grid, click Select next to the attendee group for which you want to edit an attendee. The View Attendee Group page is displayed.

3.  Click Select in the Attendees grid next to the attendee you want to edit. The View Attendee page is displayed.

4.  Click Add or View Details. The Attendee Emergency Contact page is displayed.

5.  If no contacts exist, the Contact Information fields will be displayed for you to add new contact information. If contacts do exist, the read-only contact information for the first contact in the list will be displayed. Click Add to add a new contact.

6.  Complete the fields provided.

     Name: Enter the contact's name.

     Relationship: Select the appropriate option from the drop-down list (for example, Wife).

     Priority: Select a priority from the drop-down list to indicate the priority assigned to this contact.

     Address: Enter the contact's address information (address, city, state, Zip, country).

     Notes: Enter notes regarding the contact.

     Phone 1, 2, 3, 4: Select a phone type from the drop-down list (for example, Business, Cell, or Home). Enter the phone number in the field provided.

7.  Click Save. The contact is added to the List of Emergency Contacts grid.