Add an Asset

Use the following procedure to add an asset to the List of Assets grid on the Assets page:

1.  From the Inventory section of the Facilities menu, select Assets. The List of Assets grid is displayed.

2.  Click Add New Asset.

3.  Complete the following fields:

     Name: Enter a name for the asset.

     Serial Number: Enter a serial number for the asset. A serial number is required and may contain both letters and numbers. The serial number must be unique within the asset type but may be duplicated if items with the same serial number belong to different asset types.

     Condition: Select an initial condition for the asset.

Note: Some Conditions may make the asset unavailable.

     Stockroom: Enter a facility name and use the facility Lookup or facility Tree drop-down menu to select a facility to define the asset’s stockroom. Assigning an asset to a stockroom makes that asset available for use and provides a way to track the asset’s rental location. The stockroom must be defined as a facility before it can be selected. Selecting a stockroom is optional; if one is not selected, ResCenter will move the asset to a virtual stockroom when it is not in use.

     Asset Group: Select an Asset Group from the drop-down list. If the asset is in use (allocated to a patron on a contract item), an asset’s Asset Group setting cannot be changed. For more information about Asset Groups, refer to Asset Groups Overview section.

     Asset Type: Select an Asset Type from the drop-down list. If the asset is in use (allocated to a patron on a contract item), an asset’s Asset Type setting cannot be changed. If charging for the asset, the Asset Type links to the charge schedule that generates the charges. For more information about Asset Types, refer to Asset Types Overview section. For more information about setting up charge schedules, refer to the Charge/Proration Schedules section.

4.  To prevent assigning the Asset directly to a patron or charging for the Asset, check the Only Use As Room Inventory check box. If this option is not selected, the Asset may be used either as room inventory or allocated to a patron through a contract item.

5.  To link the asset to another asset, use the Lookup function to search for and select another asset in the Link Asset field. For an asset to be eligible for linking, its Asset Type must have the Can Appear On Patron Contract check box checked.

6.  If necessary, enter any notes about the asset in the Note field.

7.  Click Save.