Add an Access List

Use the Add an Access List step to define when patrons can access the room selection process and select rooms. This promotes a more even distribution of patrons using the system, which prevents performance issues. There are three types Access Lists that can be defined:

     Non-Staggered: When patron access is Non-Staggered, every patron on the Access List has access to the Room Selection at the same time.

     Staggered: Patron access is Staggered so a subset of patrons can only access the Room Selection during a specific time window. However, specific time windows can overlap depending on the amount of time allowed for each group to have access to the Room Selection. A Staggered access list uses a random lottery to place the patrons in staggered access groups.

     Staggered & Ordered: If the Access List is Staggered, patron access can also be Ordered. A user can define the Access List to permit access by Application submission date and/or Attribute value(s) (such as first Seniors, and then Juniors, and then Sophomores, etc.). Additionally, access can be assigned by a Random Lottery process. In this example, patrons will be ordered first by classication; next, within each of the classicication groups, they will be given a random lottery order. Any patrons that do not meet the Attribute value criteria will be placed in the Random Lottery to determine their access group time. Random Lottery patrons will have access after the patrons who meet the attribute value criteria.

Note: If an Access List is ordered by Application submission, Random Lottery is unnecessary.

Create a Non-Staggered Access List

1.  Select an attribute from the drop-down menu. A second field with attribute values will be displayed.

2.  In the attribute value field, select one or more values. Any patrons with a matching attribute value will be allowed access to the Room Selection in the defined time range.

3.  For access type, select Non-Staggered.

4.  If necessary, adjust the date/time range the Room Selection will be available.

a.  Click the field to display the calendar control.

b.  Click the first date in the range, and then select a start time.

c.   Click the last date in the range, and then select an end time.

d.  Click outside the calendar control to save the selected date range.

5.  Click Next Step to save the Access List and proceed to the Add Facilities and Attribute Details step.

Create a Staggered Access List

1.  Select an attribute from the drop-down menu. A second field with attribute values will be displayed.

2.  In the attribute value field, select one or more values. Any patrons with a matching attribute value will be allowed access to the Room Selection in the defined time range.

3.  For access type, select Staggered.

4.  If necessary, adjust the date/time range the Room Selection will be available.

a.  Click the field to display the calendar control.

b.  Click the first date in the range, and then select a start time.

c.   Click the last date in the range, and then select an end time.

d.  Click outside the calendar control to save the selected date range.

5.  Enter the number of minutes between the start of each access window for each random group of patrons.

6.  Enter the number of patrons assigned (at random) to each access window group.

7.  Enter the amount of time each group will be allowed access to the Room Selection once their access group is granted access. The time can be defined in either Hours or Days.

8.  If necessary, click Add Exclusions to define when patrons should not be assigned an access start time.

9.  Click Next Step to save the Access List and proceed to the Add Facilities and Attribute Details step.

Create a Staggered & Ordered Access List

Staggered Access Lists can be ordered using a combination of Application submission date and time, attribute values, and Random Lottery. If Application submission date is used, patrons are ordered according to when they submitted the Application defined in the Create a Room Selection Definition step. When the Ascending checkbox is checked (the default setting), the earlier a patron submits an application, the earlier the patron will have access to room selection. If using an Application to order an access list, it is unnecessary to use Random Lottery.

If only Attribute values are used to order the Access List, up to three Attributes can be defined.

1.  Select an attribute from the drop-down menu. A second field with attribute values will be displayed.

2.  In the attribute value field, select one or more values. Any patrons with a matching attribute value will be allowed access to the Room Selection in the defined time range.

3.  For access type, select Staggered.

4.  If necessary, adjust the time range the Room Selection will be available.

5.  Enter the number of minutes between the start of each access window for each group of patrons.

6.  Enter the number of patrons assigned (at random) to each access window group.

7.  Enter the amount of time each group will be allowed access to the Room Selection once their access group is granted access. The time can be defined in either Hours or Days.

8.  Click Order Access List.

9.  If the Room Selection is associated with an Application (defined in the Create a Room Selection Definition step), the Application name will be displayed as the top priority in the Access List order. In this scenario, with Ascending checked by default, patrons will be assigned access according to the date and time they submitted an application. The earlier a patron submits an Application, the earlier the patron’s access will have access.

To remove access based on Application submission date and time, click Delete next to the Application.

10. Select an attribute from the drop-down menu. All possible attribute values will be added to the attribute field below.

If neither an Application (next step) nor Random Lottery is used to order the access list, up to three (3) attributes can be added to the Access List to determine the order. Click Add to add another attribute, if necessary.

11. If an Application was selected in the Create a Room Selection Definition step, the Application name will be listed as a method of ordering patron access. This method defines patron access by the date and time a patron submitted the application.

For example: Patron A submits an application on July 1 at 10:00 AM. Patron B submits an application on July 2 at 3:00 PM. Patron A will be given earlier room selection access than Patron B.

In order for access order to correspond with how early a patron submitted an application, the Ascending check box must remain checked.

12. For attributes with predefined values—such as Class—the access order is determined by the order the values are added to the values field.

For example: If a user adds Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, and Graduate in that order, the same order will be used to order the access list.

If necessary, remove any of the attribute values and re-add them in the desired order.

For attributes without pre-defined values, refer to the next step.

13. The Ascending option only affects attributes without pre-defined values. When enabled, access will be ordered by a patron’s defined value for the selected attribute, in ascending order. In this process, a patron with a lower-valued attribute will be earlier in the room selection process.

The Ascending option is enabled by default.

To disable the Ascending option, uncheck the checkbox. When unchecked, patrons will be ordered in Descending order according to their attribute values. This may be useful for certain attributes, like GPA, when patrons with a higher value GPA (like 4.0) will be assigned an earlier selection time than lower values (like 3.2).

14. No action is required for the Random Lottery field.

After the Access List is ordered according to the selected attribute(s), the next level of ordering will be defined by Random Lottery. Patrons with the same attribute value (i.e. the same ranking) will be placed in a Random Lottery to determine how to be ordered within the group of patrons that have the same attribute value. The lottery process occurs automatically and will refresh each time the Room Definition is edited and then re-saved.

Note: If the Random Lottery field is accidentally removed by clicking Delete, it can be re-added by selecting Random Lottery from the first attribute drop-down field and clicking Add. CBORD strongly encourages leaving Random Lottery as an ordering function if an Application is not selected as an ordering function. If no Application is selected and Random Lottery is not enabled, patrons will be placed in an unspecified order, and the order will be the exact same each time the Access List is created when the Room Selection definition is edited and then re-saved.

15. The Attribute As Of Date indicates the date at which a patron’s attribute value is referenced to determine the access level. By default, the first date of the Room Selection’s time range will be used.

16. If necessary, click Set Exclusion Times to define when patrons should not be assigned an access start time.

17. Click Next Step to save the Access List and proceed to the Add Facilities and Attribute Details step.

Add Exclusions to an Access List

When creating an Access List for a Room Selection definition, there may be times when patrons should be excluded from starting the Room Selection process. Adding an Exclusion to an access list defines specific date and time ranges when no groups will be assigned an access start time.

Access List Exclusions can be set for specific days of the week, specific times of the day, or specific date/time ranges. These options can be useful for preventing access during a time when the housing office may be closed and thus unavailable to assist patrons—such as on a weekend, during a holiday, or during non-business hours.

Use the following procedure to add an Exclusion to an Access List:

1.  When creating a Staggered Access List, click Set Exclusion Times.

2.  If necessary, use the calendar menu to select a date/time range to exclude.

Click Add to add an addtiional date/time range, if necessary. To remove a time range, click Delete.

3.  If necessary, enter a time range to exclude by selecting the start time and end time. No room selection access will begin during this time range for each day of the originally defined access date range.

Click Add to add another time range, if necessary. To remove a time range, click Delete.

4.  If necessary, select the days of the week to exclude. No room selection access will begin on these days during the originally defined access date range.

5.  Click Access List Setup to return to the Access List configuration, or click Next Step to navigate to the Add Facilities & Select Details step.