Add a Charge Schedule

Use the Charge Schedule option to display information related to charges for the contract. Refer to the Charge/Proration Schedules section for more information about how Charge Schedules are used with Contracts.

When the Charge Schedule section is added to a Contract Form, the administrator must check each field that should appear on the Contract and be displayed to the patron.

Use the following procedure to add a Charge Schedule section to a Form:

1.  Select the Charge Schedule option and drag it to the desired location in the Form.

2.  Select the Charge Schedule information that should be displayed on the Form (when viewed by a patron) by checking the necessary Charge Schedule fields. The following information can be displayed:


     Start Date

     End Date

     Full Estimate

     Remaining Estimate

     Estimation Reason

     Schedule Type

     Charge Amount

3.  If necessary, click Edit to show the configuration options.

     Required – If checked, the patron must complete the Charge Schedule section of the Form.

     Label – The Label is the name for the Charge Schedule section displayed on the Form.

     Enable “Other” – If checked, an additional Option, labeled Other, will be added to the list of Options. When a patron selects Other, a blank field is displayed to allow the patron to enter text.

     Read-Only – By default, Charge Schedule information is read-only.

4.  If necessary, drag the Charge Schedule section to another location in the Form.